earlier this summer, bennett and i read the junior classic version of treasure island.
my little pirate and i loved setting sail on our own hispaniola (hammock or bunkbed)
to read the adventure of jim hawkins and long john silver's hunt for buried treasure
(of course skipping over all the pistol shooting and blood on the ship deck),
he can read those parts when he's a bit older.

when we finished, instead of watching the movie (too scary)
we invited some friends over for our pirate adventure.
3 boys and 3 girls hunting for buried treasure in the backyard.
pirate bandanas were a must.
there was clue writing (she promised not to give away the clues)...
clue reading...
clue hunting...
competitive spirit and body checking...
shouting and racing from clue to clue...
serious cuteness...
x marking the spot...
treasure digging...
treasure finding...way to go little pirates!