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Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 best nine (kind of)

i'm loving all the "best 9" insta snaps
being shared across my news feed,
today on this last day of 2018.

for the last few years 
one of my favorite end of year activities
has been to create
a "flip-a-gram"
musical montage
of our year.

well apparently flip-a-gram
is no longer a thing...
and the "best 9" algorithm
just doesn't seem to capture all...

the adventures,
the firsts,
the lasts,
the growth...

the hustle,
the teamwork,
the joy,
the milestones...

the wins,
the losses,
the spirit,
the love...

the vacations,
the rest,
the traditions,
the celebrations...

the time at home,
down the street,
and in our backyard...

the anticipation,
the decisions,
the departures,
the endings...

the beginnings,
the new,
the dreams,
the hopes...

the first days,
the new season,
the stepping up,
the back at it,
the making it happen...

the homework,
the costumes,
the uniforms,
the laughter...

the day to day,
the team,
the resources,
the sweat...

the love,
the gratitude,
the memories,
and the moments.

and while these tiles
tell just part of the story...
as they don't show any glimpse of the 
countless memories and shared moments 
with the friends and family,
teammates and neighbors,
brothers and sisters,
community and strangers
who are so often beside us...

it sure does make me incredibly grateful
for the year that it was,
and the one that is to come.
happy new year 
dear ones!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

santa, bottomless cups of cocoa & bunnies

the christmas season 
is underway in our hearts, schedules and
here at the farm!

we had a magical morning 
with santa claus this past saturday.

in fact,
he called this morning to say he so loved
visiting with the children,
feeding the chickens,
smiling for photos under the twinkle lights,
sipping bottomless cups of hot cocoa,
crunching candy canes,
snuggling the bunnies,
roasting marshmallows for s'mores,
and watching all the children laugh & play
like good little boys & girls!

he also confirmed that the 
toy building and electronic wiring
in the north pole toy factory
is right on schedule.

this means he does have time in his very busy schedule
to come back to the farm
for another visit.

please join us this
december 8th
10:00am -12:00pm
$20 per family
defoyd backyard farm
7 ohlson circle

we would love to celebrate
the joy & wonder of this season with you
while sipping cocoa and visiting with mr. claus!

and if we don't see you,
happy christmas
from the farm & the 
 bits & bobs blogger!

Friday, November 30, 2018

3 months

 3 months  ago today,
the lord's big ol' tug on my heart
pulled me away from a 15+ year in corporate,
and two hand pushed me towards living out my passions and 
pursuing some entrepreneurial dreams.

since that day,
i've been praying and reflecting, 
and stumbling and adjusting,
 and hustling and working 
to figure out 
my new normal...
my new every day...
my new how...
my new when...
my new if...
my new do...
really, my new everything.

working for myself has been a BIG change 
from working for a BIG organization.

my day to day has gone...
from conference calls to coffee chats
from powerpoint to photography,
from complicated campaigns to creating and connecting,
from programs in big venues to programs in my barn,
from budgets with lots of zeros to budgets that are zero,
from delivering on timelines, to determining timelines,
from meetings around conference tables, to meetings in my friend's treehouse,
from ornery colleagues to oily sisters,
from mistakes that really don't matter, to mistakes that do,
from high heels to hunter boots,
from loving my firm, to loving my farm,
from navigating a career, to navigating a calling.

while there have most certainly been some hard days,
most days are filled to the brim with encouragement and assurance
that this is where i'm meant to be.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

thankFULL bits

our hearts and bellies
are filled to the brim 
from a weekend of 
giving thanks
memory making!

and a final
smooch from wes' leftover meatball slider...
can you almost hear it saying,
"pucker up, butter cup."

happy thanksgiving
& merry christmas
dear ones!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

christmas at the farm

 it warms my heart
to share a look at some upcoming 
holiday happenings 
at defoyd backyard farm!

i sure do hope we get to
make memories and 
share some of the
joy of this season 


photos with mr. claus
december 1st & december 8th
8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

santa gave me a jingle jingle to say he plans to visit the 
farm on the mornings of december 1st & december 8th!

pop by for a cup of cocoa by the bonfire and 
a family / kid photo with santa under the twinkle lights.

$20 per family
(cash or check on the day)


paint your own 
ceramic christmas trees
december 6th

growing up we had one of those decorative trees,
with the little brightly colored bulbs.
the tree has become a
christmas heirloom!

while mom hasn't passed it on to me just yet,
we did glaze our own last year,
that we cherish!

send the kids,
or paint one with the kids
while we sip cocoa and make some memories!

(send me a private message to 
reserve your tree & pick your time slot)
note: december 6th is an elementary school 1/2 day in medway!


family photo shoots
at the barn

it's not too late
to get a family photo for 
christmas cards or gifts!
photos will be edited and delivered within the week.

(click on dates above to book your time slot)


ugly sweaters & essential oils
december 10
7:00 p.m.

cozy up in your ugliest holiday sweater
and join me by the fire for an oily holiday cocktail
and essential oils conversation.

i'll be sharing all my essentials
for the season
to keep us merry & above the wellness line!

invites & details on facebook

p.s.  young living has some amazing 
black friday / cyber monday deals i'll be sharing too!
if any of you are hinting to your parents, hubbies & kids,
that you would like oils under the tree just send them my way! 


and that's
a holiday wrap!
oh what fun 
we will have during the 
most merriest time of the year!