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Sunday, November 11, 2018

football bits

today our football player,
dad defensive coordinator,
little sister cheerleader,
big sister videographer, 
& mom photographer,
wrapped up the 2018 season.

a season that began july 30th 
and ended 105 days later on november 11th.

a season that began in the middle of summer with 95 degree days 
and ended at the end of fall with 30 degree days.

a season that was made up of
practices, scrimmages, game tape review and games.

a season that had play in the heat, 
rain and under the lights.

a season that had nortre dame, bc, 
miami and alabama offenses.

a season that had blue,
white, black and silver defenses.

a season that had eye black, helmets, 
mouthguards and shoulder pads.

a season that had mostly wins 
and just a couple losses.

a season that had coaches, players 
and cheerleaders.

a season that had parents in the stands
and on the field.

a season that had brothers and sisters
in the stands and on the field.

a season that had players from medway 
and players from millis.

a season that had neighbors and classmates,
who became friends and family.

a season of growth, character
and a deep love for this game.

here's is a lil' peek
at some season bits captured by
#87's mama...
along with a virtual high five, chest bump 
and gigantic hug
to this team that is family.

and that's a wrap...
until next year!

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