we are getting outside a lot these days.
even if it's below freezing and it's only for ten minutes.
even if it takes them three times as long to get all their gear on in advance.
even if it takes them three times as long to get all their gear on in advance.
because those ten minutes outside are doing HUGE things for our time inside.
because those ten minutes are turning into thirty minutes,
which turns into an hour or more of winter playing, exploring,
animal tracking and adventuring.
it's not been easy though.
they almost always put up a fight first.
why is that?
they have absolutely no problem lugging the humongous bag of gear to school
with them each and every day so they can go out at recess.
but at home it's like i'm sending them to timeout.
i don't get it.
but i'm not gonna let that stop us.
it's my new mission.
which turns into an hour or more of winter playing, exploring,
animal tracking and adventuring.
they need it. i need it. we need it.
it's a good thing.it's not been easy though.
they almost always put up a fight first.
why is that?
they have absolutely no problem lugging the humongous bag of gear to school
with them each and every day so they can go out at recess.
but at home it's like i'm sending them to timeout.
i don't get it.
but i'm not gonna let that stop us.
it's my new mission.
we will embrace this season.
we will get out.
and most often i just kick them out (e&b only)
while i watch on from the window on the cozy inside.
because the hard parts of fussing and putting on all the gear
don't come close to outweighing the good parts of
rosy cheeks, energy burned, adventures achieved...
oh and the peace & quiet inside while they play outside.
what about you?
how are you fighting the winter cabin fever craze?
any tips?