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Sunday, February 10, 2019

game on

we defoyds spend a lot
of time in basketball gyms this time of year.

some of you may remember 
the pitter patter feeling i get over the sound
of squeaky sneakers and bouncing basketballs.
it brings me way back to high school in all the best ways.

but today i want to
tell you about something that gets my heart pumping
in a very different way.


throughout a season we visit lots of gyms,
old & new,
and as a parent,
i hold the door for lots of players,
from home teams and away.

some of them are sweaty coming out of the gym after a game,
and some of them have their game face on as they head in for a game.

but here is the thing...
these players, teammates and their siblings 
do not say thank you.

it's a real problem.

i did a little experiment this past sunday,
at our home gym.
of the 53 kids i held a door for before or after the game,
only 7 of them said thank you.

S E V E N.

and let me tell you,
the kid wearing medway on the front of his jersey,
and defoyd on the back was NOT part of that 7.


this is not okay!

our town is in big letters on your chest,
so people know where you hail from.

your last name is in capital letters on your butt,
so people know exactly who the punk kid belongs to.



let's have a little review
defoyd children,
players from medway,
competition from surrounding towns.

none of you are named
kyrie irving, lebron james or stefan curry.

when someone holds the door for you,
look them in the eyes and say
"thank you."

this is not hard.
you can do better.
i believe in you.
good luck in your game.
i love you.


today is another game day,
and let me tell you,
this mom will have her door holding game face on...
i may even bring my boom box!

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