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Monday, February 11, 2019

dollar section love / hate

who else has a
bit of a love affair with 
the dollar section at target?

sometimes i'll pop in just to get a  
coffee at starbucks and to peruse this section,
and then LEAVE before i spend $300 
on all the other things i think i need.

it's also the spot where i often
pick-up some of my oily and office supplies,
like those adorable little bags up 
there that are just perfect for 
oiling on the go.

but let me tell you what i don't
love about this section...
the fake and icky "essential oils"
being sold for $3.

do not buy these.
the package may say it's eucalyptus or lavender....
but look at the ingredients on the back.

there is so much other stuff in there,
and it's not good stuff,

and its most certainly not 
100% pure therapeutic grade oil.

it's full of fillers,
and not the actual oil.

it's packaged by a design firm in china,
not organic farmers who 
know about the actual plants.

hear me on this...
quality matters,
it really really does.

do not fall for this,
or others like them that we see on the shelves at 
some of our favorite stores
(ahem tjmax & home goods).

do not put this 
stuff on your bodies.
do not rub this on your kids.
do not put this in a diffuser 
to spread throughout your home.

please don't.


i'll get off my soapbox...
but also,
i'd love to help you get actual essential oils...
that are beautifully grown, distilled, tested & packaged to provide 
amazing benefits for you and your beautiful families.

and hey,
they make an amazing valentine's gift too!
tell your lovers,
to reach out!

and lastly,
for anyone who orders their starter kit this week,
i'll be gifting you one of those cute little bags up there
filled with lots of oily accessories and swag.

who's is ready to get started?

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