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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

caution tape

a couple weekends ago i was a chaperone/leader
for a youth group retreat in new hampshire.

one of brilliant leaders packed a big ol' roll of yellow caution tape
so that we could strategically and visbily reserve seats for our students
in the big group sessions.

it was awesome
(kudos to heather)!

the tape definitely made a few heads turns...
as we bridged the gap between being both
overly protective and totally bad ass!


on the last day,
instead of rolling up the tape to throw away,
i put a long strip in my bag to take with me,
as a kinda keep sake treasure from the weekend.

i've been carrying it around in my bag,
and let me tell you,
i've thought about using it more than 
a few times over the last few weeks.

like we did in new hampshire,
i want to wrap my kids and all their friends in caution tape,
with a big sign that says...
"don't mess with them!"


don't mess with them flu germs...not in my house!
don't mess with them apps & technology temptations...we are on to you!
don't mess them bullies and mean nice!
don't mess with them students who are vaping...addiction is a real thing!
don't mess with them hormones and icky feelings...we will tame you!

and these are just a few of the things 
i want to keep away from my kids and all their friends.


unfortunately i can't wrap them all
in bright yellow caution tape,
though that would kinda fun.

and i can't just clench my eyes,
and wait until this phase is over,
actually don't even want to,
because i don't want to miss anything.


so know this...

mama bear is
NOT hibernating.

she has fierce
and friendly growl.

she is standing up on two legs,
and is looking em' in the eyes.

her front paws are raised up high,
but her claws are in.

she is in ready position
to do three things ...

1. pray for protection
2. oil them up
3. hug them real hard


don't mess them...
because mama bear, papa bear
and all their friends are paying attention,
and ready to love!

and if necessary,
break out the caution tape too!
right, heather?

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