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Wednesday, May 15, 2013


we are settling in after a crazy couple of months.
i'm finding bits of normal and routine...
even if it is a new normal with new routine.

it feels good to have the time for this little blog space again.
my small way of keeping memories and sharing bits from our home, 
even if they are just instabits like these! 

mama and her ducklings

5 months old

barn loft rock concerts

too much time at logan

lots of time around conference room tables

holding onto these ones before hitting the road...again!

hurting and praying for our city

boston strong

baby and mama leggings on cold spring days at home

hard days

milk & cookies on those hard days

a shopping date with my mini

a date night with my little guy

lots of snuggles with baby girl

my hardworking mr. plowing our new pumpkin patch

a new ride for best buds

yard sale thrifting

planting seeds up at the community farm

sister snuggles on a cold cold night at the farm

celebrating that we made it through a crazy april

saying yes to bouncy can you resist?!

bat boy for daddy's team

melt my heart... cat's craddle with daddy

sentence writing and door removals

first time with a spoon

tucking in my littles on mother's day

releasing butterflies...amazed by God's creation

next up, printing some of these out to hang & frame on our very empty walls!

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