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Monday, June 10, 2013

ten on ten : june

ten on ten captured in black & white via my phone,
while my big girl camera is sidelined with a lens malfunction.
get ready wallet (and wes) for an equipment hit coming our way...gulp.

1.good morning smiles
2. brown bagged lunches packed for field trip day
3. chaperoning ella and her sweet friends
4. heart breaking for these beautiful animals in captivity
5. pulling into the driveway to this site
6. hot cocoa and books after a rainy afternoon at the zoo
7. a happy home spot
8. how all our day's battles fade away with night night snuggles
9. mr. inspecting the lens malfunction
10. this oldy but goody sweatshirt


  1. Just gorgeous! Your day looks perfect to me. I adore the tire swing and the happy smiles. :)


  2. fantastic set. i think the black and white adds a bit of magic to it. :)

    the tire swing picture is timeless.

  3. I love the black and white... and the still life with the clock. Thanks for sharing!
